Anyone interested in coaching in the Cocalico Midget Football Association (CMFA) MUST complete a Criminal and Sex Offender background check annually.
Background checks have become a typical practice in youth sports. Although occurences of physical and sexual abuse of youth in sports are rare, this type of behavior is becoming more frequent. CMFA believes that every reasonable effort should be made to protect its youth participants from adults with a history of unacceptable criminal activity. Therefore, CMFA has partnered with Protect Youth Sports in order to conduct background checks.
Simply click on the following link:, complete the application and submit it for processing. Each applicant must pay a $12.00 fee for his/her background check. Protect Youth Sports will process the application and submit the results to CMFA. CMFA will then determine the eligibility of each applicant. CMFA must receive ALL background check results prior to any applicant becoming a part of any coaching staff.